If you’re missing some or all of your natural teeth, it can be difficult to chew and speak properly. Worse yet, those gaps in your smile can take their toll on your self-esteem, causing you to withdraw socially and miss out on important connections. Dentures can replace those lost teeth, providing you with a fully functional smile that allows you to once again enjoy a variety of healthy foods, and giving you the confidence to participate in life again!
Missing teeth doesn’t just alter your smile, it can have many negative effects on your mental and overall health, including:
If you are facing any of these concerns, you could be an excellent candidate for dentures.
For patients who are not missing all of the teeth along an arch, you may be better suited to another treatment. Dr. Salivonchik can discuss these options with you at your denture consultation.
If your gums are not in good health, you may not be a good candidate for dentures. In this case, Dr. Salivonchik may be able to provide you with a treatment plan to get your mouth healthy enough to support them in the future.
It is difficult to know what type of dentures are best for you before you are seen by Dr. Salivonchik. At your consultation appointment, he will go over your options and explain the pros and cons of each prosthetic. From there, he will develop a treatment plan for you that includes the next steps and your total cost. Here are some options that he may recommend for you.
Having large gaps between your teeth can make eating and speaking difficult. It can also cause embarrassment when you open your mouth. Partial dentures close those gaps while still allowing you to keep your remaining natural teeth and are comprised of a discreet metal clasp and a gum-colored base that blend effortlessly into your smile.
Full dentures replace an entire arch of teeth. They stay in place by utilizing natural suction to stay firmly on your arches. These prosthetics are customized to fit your mouth perfectly, so you always have a secure, comfortable fit and no need for adhesives.
Implant dentures combine the comfort of dentures with the permanent fit of dental implants. These are a great solution for patients who are dissatisfied with traditional dentures.
Implant dentures are secured to your arch via several permanent dental implants. This means there is no need to worry about them slipping or falling out when you are eating or speaking. They still look just as natural as your real teeth, however unlike individual dental implants, they require fewer posts, so they are less invasive. They can often be more affordable than multiple dental implants, and because you can brush and floss them like your natural teeth, they’re much easier to clean and maintain than traditional dentures.
While dentures are an older solution to tooth loss, they’re still a great and effective one. Patients who get them will enjoy many perks and significantly boost their quality of life. Otherwise, the devices wouldn’t now stand as the most time-tested fix for missing teeth. As for the specific benefits of dentures, our practice will gladly share them with you. Simply keep reading to learn more, or call us for the details you need.
Tooth loss often causes a mental health decline, prompting issues like low self-esteem and major depression over time. That much is natural – who wouldn’t feel upset about the gaps in their grin? Still, modern dentures can help you avoid these low moods. They’d quickly fill your mouth’s unwanted spaces, giving you back the complete smile you deserve. You’d then feel more assured of your looks, speech, eating ability, etc.
Your ability to enunciate depends on teeth, so losing any will make speech hard for you. Even missing a mere few can lead to slurred speech, severe lisps, and more. Having said that, quality dentures are here to address this particular matter. With support from their artificial teeth, your tongue would be able to enunciate words very clearly. Just note that you’d have to practice a bit first; speaking with dentures tends to take time.
If you go too long without your teeth, your diet will inevitably suffer. Lacking a full smile means you won’t be able to chew many foods, resulting in large restrictions on your eating choices. Those limits on your meals will put you at risk of malnutrition and indigestion. That said, you can trust today’s dentures to get you out of this dental dilemma. Using them would let you chew more foods, ensuring you can eat a wider range of food and improve your nutritional health.
The truth is that your oral health suffers more as you endure tooth loss for more extended periods. The gaps in your smile will slowly tilt your remaining teeth, house harmful bacteria, and erode your jawbone. However, our practice’s dentures would protect your grin by filling its empty areas. The devices would reduce the tilting of teeth, the spread of nasty microbes, and the rate at which your jaw breaks down.
For better or worse, a nice smile is often key to a good first impression. The result is that a gapped grin can cause you to lose great opportunities – romances, friendships, career success, etc. Luckily, dentures would help you avoid that outcome; they’d restore your smile enough to make good first impressions again. In other words, using these special restorations should give you access to many social opportunities you’d benefit from.