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April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — S. John salivonchik @ 2:18 am

Hand holding oral cancer cardApril is important for more than beautiful spring flowers. It is also Oral Cancer Awareness Month. A person dies every hour every day of the year from oral or oropharyngeal cancer. Approximately 54,000 cases are diagnosed annually. Sadly, 43% won’t survive longer than 5 years. Late detection is the leading cause of the mortality rate. Believe it or not, you don’t have to smoke to be at risk. Oral cancer can occur in anyone. Thankfully, you can benefit from the power of early detection by visiting your dentist in the Lehigh Valley for an oral cancer screening.


Oral Cancer Can Be Dealt With at Our Office

July 16, 2015


Did you know that there are roughly 39,500 people that have been diagnosed with oral cancer in 2015? That’s a staggering amount of people. Of that number, 7,500 will die from these horrific cancers. They appear most often on the tongue, tonsils, gums, bottom of the mouth ands other areas. It’s not something any patient should have to deal with. When you come into our office in Coplay, PA, you can receive a regular oral cancer exam from Dr. John Salivonchik. He can spot these cancers very early and help you get the treatment you require. Oral cancer screenings are essential in keeping your oral health in great shape. This deadly disease doesn’t have to be something you have to deal with.

Every dental checkup involves an oral cancer screening. It is true that oral cancer is most common among people over the age of 60, but young people can develop it as well. Our screenings consist of checking your entire mouth, from top to bottom and as deep as we can look. Regular screenings are important for many more reasons than just checking for cavities and other bacteria. It’s your entire oral health we’re talking about here, so it’s important to get a checkup.