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Can Dental Implants in Allentown Replace My Missing Teeth?

June 20, 2017

Filed under: Dental Implants — Tags: — S. John salivonchik @ 5:31 pm

Permanently replace your missing teeth with dental implants in Allentown.Are you among the 178 million adults in the United States missing at least one tooth? If so, you probably feel insecure about your incomplete smile while also struggling with simple tasks like eating and speaking. Although you would like to fill the space, you are not sure what options are available to you. You could choose a traditional method like a dental bridge or dentures but do not want to deal with their disadvantages. Now, you can replace your missing teeth permanently with dental implants in Allentown. As the most preferred and successful option, you will invest in your confidence and quality of life by completing your smile with Dr. S. John Salivonchik.

Treating Causes of Tooth Pain with Your Dentist in Coplay

May 25, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , — S. John salivonchik @ 5:41 pm

dentist in whitehallEveryone experiences a toothache at some point in their life—even those who care for their teeth properly and visit the dentist regularly. When a toothache occurs, you often want immediate relief because let’s face it, nothing is worse than a toothache. While many people believe a toothache is most often caused by a cavity, this isn’t always the case. Tooth pain can occur for a number of reasons, which can cause the pain to range in severity. No matter the pain level, you need to visit your dentist right away because it’s a sign of a potentially serious complication. As your dentist in Coplay, we’re here to help you understand the most common causes of tooth pain.