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Do You Struggle with Bruxism?

July 14, 2014

bruxismAs a response to stress, some patients grinding their teeth unconsciously, often the day but it’s more common during sleeping. The trouble is, the constant pressure and motion can do serious damage to your teeth and the muscles and tissues in and around the jaw. Thankfully, though, this condition, known as bruxism, can be remedied.

The Trouble with Bruxism

Bruxism can result in a number of uncomfortable symptoms, like headaches and facial pain. It can also contribute to TMJ (temporomandibular joint) dysfunction, which has other side effects associated with pain in the head and neck. What’s more, as your teeth rub together over time, this can create surface wear, which will cause dental problems.

Treating Bruxism

How can you stop bruxism? A thorough evaluation at our Coplay office will allow Dr. Salivonchik to check your teeth, tissues, and muscles. If he determines that you’re struggling with bruxism, he can help you treat your grinding with a special appliance called a nightguard. A nightguard will prevent your grinding and clenching and, in some cases, eliminate the problem.

Are you struggling with frequent headaches, facial pain, or other symptoms? Call our Coplay office to schedule an appointment with us. We serve patients from Whitehall, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, The Poconos, and all surrounding areas.

Finally, relief from bruxism can be yours!

Do You Have Questions? Visit Our Patient Education Page

June 24, 2014

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , , , , , , — S. John salivonchik @ 6:22 pm

Do you have questions about any of our services or the tools we use? Or maybe you have questions about dentistry in general. You can find plenty of information about both on the Patient Education page on our website.

For example, you might have questions about how DIAGNOdent works. This article will help you understand how Dr. Salivonchik can use this revolutionary tool to diagnose cavities early.

Our Patient Education page also features an article about digital radiography. Our Coplay office is proud to use digital radiography to take x-rays. Using digital radiography exposes patients to far less radiation than traditional radiography does, and the results are clearer and easier to present to patients.

You will also find helpful articles on what to expect from dental work, our commitment to creative treatment solutions, and the prevalence of gum disease, in addition to a list of frequently asked questions we’re happy to answer for you.

Do you still have questions about a service we offer, or some other aspect of dental care? We would be happy to help you. Call our office in Lehigh Valley today to speak to one of our team members or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Salivonchik. We’re happy to serve patients from Whitehall, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, The Poconos, and all surrounding areas.

Do You Struggle with Chronic Bad Breath?

June 12, 2014

bad breathIf you do, it may not have anything to do with your diet. Other causes of bad breath include smoking, dry mouth, and sinus trouble. Some medications can also contribute. But the specific cause we want to focus on in today’s post is gum disease.

Gum disease is the result of bacteria and plaque buildup around the gumline. In the disease’s earliest stages of development, it’s possible for patients to not experience any noticeable symptoms. But when symptoms do start developing, bad breath is one that many experience. Other symptoms of gum disease include:

• Red, swollen, or tender gums
• Gums that bleed when brushed
• A receding gumline
• Loose teeth

If gum disease isn’t treated, it can cause tooth loss and even contribute to other kinds of health problems, like heart disease, Alzheimer’s, stroke, diabetes, and certain complications during pregnancy.

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? Dr. Salivonchik can help. With personalized gum disease therapy, we can help you treat your symptoms and enjoy better oral health and wellbeing again. For some patients, treatment may involve just spending a little more time brushing and flossing every day, while other patients may need more advanced care. Dr. Salivonchik will be happy to talk to you about your own needs during a consultation and offer a customized treatment plan to help you.

Call our Coplay office today to schedule an appointment with our friendly, knowledgeable dental team. We offer gum disease therapy to patients from Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, The Poconos, and all surrounding areas.

Exceptional Care with Creative Solutions

April 21, 2014

general dentistryIn our last post, we talked about smile designs and how they help Dr. Salivonchik plan the treatment process. For this post, we want to talk about something similar—our commitment to providing creative solutions for patients.

What do we mean when we talk about creative solutions? We’re talking, in part, about the changes in dental technology that have made care faster, more precise, more comfortable, and more affordable. We’re also talking about Dr. Salivonchik’s expertise. With years of experience and training backing him up, Dr. Salivonchik will work one-on-one with you to come up with a treatment plan that matches your needs and medical history.

To read an example of our process visit our creative solutions page. To find out more about our services browse our website. Our office offers a range of today’s best and most up-to-date general, cosmetic, and restorative services, including:

During your consultation with Dr. Salivonchik, we will talk to you about the results you want to achieve so that the final plan we put together really puts your goals first. Call us today for an appointment. We serve patients from Coplay, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, The Poconos, and nearby communities.

Smile Design for Coplay and Beyond

April 10, 2014

cosmetic dentistryDo you want to change how your smile looks? You can trust Dr. S. John Salivonchik to give you stunning results. At every stage of care he will put your needs first, beginning with a customized, comprehensive smile design.

What is a smile design? It’s a treatment plan that combines your own ideas with Dr. Salivonchik’s years of expertise. Going forward, he will refer to it as the treatment process gets underway.

As Dr. Salivonchik himself explains in this video, a lot goes into making a customized smile design, including a consideration of what’s right for the patients’ age.


Here’s what you can expect from the treatment process. First, Dr. Salivonchik will look at your teeth and assess your needs. Then, he’ll spend some time talking to you about your specific goals. Most patients seeking cosmetic care have a good idea of what they want to achieve—or goal is to help you get there.

Once we know what you want, Dr. Salivonchik will explain your treatment options. For some patients, it’s possible to give you the results you’re looking for with one service. For other patients, it may take a combination of services. Regardless, if you have any questions about what we recommend, don’t hesitate to ask. We want you to be comfortable with the plan we recommend.

Our cosmetic services include:

Do you want to learn more about what’s possible with a smile design from Dr. Salivonchik’s office? Give us a call to schedule an appointment. Our office is located in Coplay, PA and offers cosmetic dental care to patients from Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, The Poconos, and surrounding areas.

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