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S. John Salivonchik's Blog

Invisalign in Coplay: Metal Free Braces for Adults

December 22, 2015

invisalign whitehallInvisalign Gives Coplay Residents a Better Orthodontic Option

Patients who have chosen metal-free braces in Coplay agree: they’re a far more comfortable, convenient option in orthodontics. Let’s look a little closer at how the system functions.


Allentown Dental Implants: Are They Right for You?

November 20, 2015

allentown dental implantsChances are good that you know someone with dental implants. The only thing is, you might not realize it. That’s because, unlike with other tooth replacement options, you never hear anyone mention their loose, uncomfortable or ill-fitting dental implants. Why is that? It’s simple: implants are the absolute best solution in tooth replacement. Learn more about Allentown dental implants from Dr. S. John Salivonchik, and find out if they’re right for your smile today!


Improve Your Smile With Allentown Porcelain Veneers

October 29, 2015

Allentown porcelain veneersCosmetic dentistry allows Dr. John Salivonchik to transform smiles — and lives. When it comes a simple procedure that offers incredible results, porcelain veneers top the list. Keep reading to learn more about the treatment and what Allentown porcelain veneers can do for you today.


Why Your Allentown Dentist Recommends You Get Dental Checkup Every Six Months?

September 24, 2015

Man smiles with beautiful teeth thanks to his allentown dentistThe American Dental Association recommends that everyone have a dental cleaning and exam every six months. Dr. S. John Salivonchik, the Allentown dentist, agrees. So, would you like to know why regularly scheduled dental checkups are important? Well, here’s a list of the top 7 reasons for seeing Dr. Salivonchik twice each year.

For Dental and General Health, See your Allentown Dentist

August 12, 2015

diagram of the human bodyMost people think that dentists are devoted to taking care of patients’ teeth and gums. True, but that’s not nearly the whole story. Dentistry is as much about caring for patients’ general health and well-being as it is about ensuring they have healthy smiles. Dr. S. John Salivonchik and his team understand that your general health can be a direct reflection of the condition of your oral health. With this in mind, your Coplay dentist encourages patients to schedule biannual dental checkups for the sake of your smile and your overall health.

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