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S. John Salivonchik's Blog

Caring for Dentures in Coplay

June 29, 2016

Filed under: Dentures — Tags: , , — S. John salivonchik @ 9:28 pm

Close up view on senior denturesThe process may have been lengthy and involved, but now that you have your new dentures the effort was entirely worthwhile. Your smile hasn’t looked this good in years. To keep that new smile looking great for many years to come, Dr. Salivonchik would like to offer some important tips on how best to care for your dentures in Coplay, PA.


Sedation Dentistry in Coplay, PA

June 19, 2016

Filed under: Sedation Dentistry — Tags: , , , — S. John salivonchik @ 9:14 pm

Sedated female patientDr. Salivonchik and his staff won’t deny that some patients would rather not see us. However, we also won’t deny these patients their right to have a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile. If you’re hesitant or even fearful of coming to the dentist, then please speak to anyone of us about sedation dentistry. With sedation dentistry, Coplay and the surrounding communities are able to safely relax during any dental procedure, so we can provide the dental care you need.


Treating Causes of Tooth Pain with Your Dentist in Coplay

May 25, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , — S. John salivonchik @ 5:41 pm

dentist in whitehallEveryone experiences a toothache at some point in their life—even those who care for their teeth properly and visit the dentist regularly. When a toothache occurs, you often want immediate relief because let’s face it, nothing is worse than a toothache. While many people believe a toothache is most often caused by a cavity, this isn’t always the case. Tooth pain can occur for a number of reasons, which can cause the pain to range in severity. No matter the pain level, you need to visit your dentist right away because it’s a sign of a potentially serious complication. As your dentist in Coplay, we’re here to help you understand the most common causes of tooth pain.

Allentown Dentist Explains CEREC

April 28, 2016

Filed under: CEREC — Tags: , , , , , , — S. John salivonchik @ 3:29 pm

allentown dentistIf you’ve heard anything about one visit crowns, you’re probably wondering if it’s really possible to have any dental restoration completed in just one appointment. Well, your Allentown dentist has good news. With CEREC technology, one visit restorations are certainly possible! Keep reading to learn how the technology works to give you a better restoration, faster than you ever thought possible.


Your Coplay Dentist’s Brushing & Flossing Guidelines

January 10, 2016

mother and daughter learning to floss using tips from their whitehall dentistDr. S. John Salivonchik and his Coplay, PA dental team love every opportunity to see your smile, but for most people, that just means twice a year dental checkups. The other 363 days a year, your smile is in your capable hands. No matter how well you care for your oral health, it never hurts to get back to basics. We’re happy to help during your regular office visits, and invite you to read on for some brushing and flossing tips and tricks to assist you in reaching your healthiest smile.

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