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S. John Salivonchik's Blog

Your Cosmetic Dentist in Allentown Has Options to Improve Your Smile

October 8, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:54 am

Learn more about options to improve your smile from your cosmetic dentist in Allentown.Did you know that your teeth have the power to take you to new levels in your personal and professional relationships? This is because a beautiful smile gives you the confidence to smile freely and often. If you’re not satisfied with the appearance of your teeth, cosmetic dentistry may be the solution for you, and Dr. John Salivonchik can help. Your cosmetic dentist in Allentown has options to improve your smile.


Allentown Cosmetic Dentist Discusses The Benefits of CEREC & E.Max Porcelain Crowns

September 18, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:42 pm

Learn more about the benefits of CEREC & e.max crowns from your Allentown cosmetic dentist.If you’ve ever had a dental crown done before, you know how long it can take to complete the process. You spend at least two long appointments with your dentist, and by long, I mean at least 90 minutes if not more. That’s only if you don’t have any problems with your temporary crown. If problems arise, you’ll have to visit your dentist again. Then it’s at least 2 weeks, maybe up to 4 for the dental laboratory to complete your permanent restoration. The whole process is daunting and time consuming! Well, not anymore! Your Allentown cosmetic dentist discusses the benefits of CEREC & e.max porcelain crowns.


Your Dentist Near Allentown Explains Bad Habits that Hurt Your Smile

August 30, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — S. John salivonchik @ 8:00 pm

Your dentist near Allentown discusses bad habits that damage your teeth.You take great pride in caring for your teeth to ensure you maintain a healthy, beautiful smile. However, you may be causing damage to your teeth and gums with bad habits. As your dentist in Coplay, Dr. S. John Salivonchik does not want to see you place your teeth at risk. Dr. Salivonchik has the top bad habits you need to stop right away to protect your smile from damage. If your teeth have already suffered the consequences of poor habits, as your dentist near Allentown, Dr. Salivonchik has the treatments you need to restore your smile.

Porcelain Veneers in Allentown: How They Work

July 29, 2016

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — tntadmin @ 8:18 pm

porcelain veneers in allentownStains, chips, cracks, gaps, uneven surfaces — these and other issues are erased with porcelain veneers. But how do porcelain veneers work? And how are dental veneers attached to the teeth? We take a look at these and other questions below. Dr. Salivonchik transforms smiles with porcelain veneers in Allentown.


How to Choose the Right Dentist near Allentown?

July 15, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , , — tntadmin @ 8:14 pm

allentown dentistChoosing a regular dentist is a good move for your oral health. People who visit the same dental practice over and over are more likely to benefit from early detection of cavities, gum disease, and other oral issues. Do you have a dentist near Allentown? If not, consider choosing one for the benefit of you and those you love most. We’ve got some tips to help you make the best decision!


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