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S. John Salivonchik's Blog

Stop Fearing Your Dentist in the Lehigh Valley with Sedation Dentistry

September 30, 2017

Filed under: Sedation Dentistry — S. John salivonchik @ 9:23 pm

Woman fearful at dentistVisiting your dentist in the Lehigh Valley can be an uncomfortable experience for those with dental-related fears and phobias. This involves more than just sweaty palms or feeling fidgety. Some have such extreme anxiety that it actually prevents them from scheduling appointments until it is absolutely necessary, which can significantly compromise their oral health. If this level of discomfort sounds familiar, you likely avoid your dentist at all costs. However, with sedation dentistry you have nothing to fear. Now, you can enjoy a comfortable and pain-free appointment.

Dentist in Lehigh Valley Discusses Foods for Healthy Gums

September 23, 2017

Filed under: General Dentistry — S. John salivonchik @ 3:33 pm

Healthy smile and dental mirrorIn addition to your teeth, your gums play a vital role in your oral health, as well as your overall health. The soft tissue surrounds the teeth to create a seal, which is tightly bound to underlying bone to help reduce the friction of food passing over them. When your gum health becomes compromised, it can lead to serious complications, such as tooth loss. However, it can also negatively impact your overall health, leading to cardiovascular disease and respiratory infections. Next to your oral hygiene habits and care from your dentist in Lehigh Valley, the foods you eat are equally as important to promoting the health of the tissue.

Dentist in Lehigh Valley Explains the Causes of TMJ Pain

August 26, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — S. John salivonchik @ 3:48 pm

Woman with jaw painOn either side of your face, there is a joint known as the temporomandibular, which connects your lower jaw to the skull. Often, you do not think about this joint until you notice some changes with the way it moves. You may start to feel like its mobility is not as great as it once was while painful and uncomfortable symptoms develop, like clicking, popping, or swelling. When this occurs, your dentist in Lehigh Valley may suspect that there is a disorder of the joint. You may be caught a bit off-guard by the dentist’s suspicion of a TMJ disorder; however, by finding the underlying cause, an appropriate treatment can be created to improve its function and your quality of life.

Prevent the Damaging Effects of Soda with Your Lehigh Valley Dentist

August 16, 2017

Filed under: General Dentistry — S. John salivonchik @ 3:51 pm

Two glasses of sodaThe health of your family’s teeth and gums are important, which is why you encourage proper oral hygiene habits. You make sure that everyone brushes and flosses each day while also visiting their Lehigh Valley dentist twice a year. However, you could be overlooking a serious threat to their dental health. If your loved ones drink sodas, energy drinks, or juice, you are opening the door to tooth decay. Although many people tend to believe that these drinks are only damaging when consumed frequently, even having one in moderation can still lead to tooth decay. To protect the health of your family’s smiles, it is best to avoid sodas and other sugary drinks altogether.

5 Facts about Dental Implants near Allentown

July 15, 2017

Filed under: Dental Implants — Tags: — S. John salivonchik @ 5:57 pm

Your trusted dentist provides dental implants near Allentown.Are you among the 178 million adults in the United States missing at least one tooth? You probably feel insecure about your appearance while you also live with new daily challenges when trying to eat your favorite foods and speaking. However, the complications extend deeper to also negatively impact your oral health as you begin to lose density of the jawbone. To fill the space, you have many options available, including dental implants near Allentown. However, you still have some questions before you can make your final decision. As your trusted dentist, Dr. S. John Salivonchik has 5 facts you should know to give you peace of mind to schedule your appointment.

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