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S. John Salivonchik's Blog

Dentist in the Lehigh Valley Explains the Connection Between Gum Disease and Your Heart

February 22, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — S. John salivonchik @ 6:56 pm

Image of heart and bodyRecently, you have probably heard a lot of discussion about the complications that periodontal disease (gum disease) can have on your general health, particularly your heart; however, you are a bit confused as to how the two can be intertwined. How can your oral health possibly impact your heart? New research has found a direct correlation between the damaging affects oral bacteria can have on your cardiovascular system. Now, it is more important than ever before to visit your dentist in the Lehigh Valley if you suspect that you have the infection.

5 Facts about Dental Implants in the Lehigh Valley

February 12, 2018

Filed under: Dental Implants — S. John salivonchik @ 6:54 pm

Model of dental implantThroughout your life, you had never expected to be living with tooth loss; however, now you find yourself among the 120 million Americans in this position. To regain a complete smile, you are considering dental implants in the Lehigh Valley because they are the closest thing to your natural teeth. Although you know that they offer a high success rate, you are still undecided about undergoing the procedure. To help you make an educated decision for your oral health and quality of life, here are 5 facts that you may not know about them.

Habits That Damage Your Teeth from Your Dentist in Lehigh Valley

January 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — S. John salivonchik @ 10:53 pm

A man with tooth pain.

We all know that old habits die hard. Whether you like to sip coffee every morning or chew on ice when you’re feeling nervous, it can be hard to cut back or quit. However, most people don’t realize their actions are negatively impacting their oral health, so it’s not entirely their fault.

If you want to keep your teeth in the best condition possible, consider kicking these unconscious habits. Your teeth and your dentist in the Lehigh Valley will thank you later.


Exams with Your Dentist in Lehigh Valley are Crucial to Catch Cancer

January 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — S. John salivonchik @ 10:08 pm

A woman smiling.

It can be easy to put off regular exams with your dentist in the Lehigh Valley. “I don’t have any dental problems.” You tell yourself. “I brush twice a day and floss, why should I have to go back again?” You tell your family. However, putting off your dental exam is a slippery slope. Not only will your oral health suffer, but you risk missing the early signs of oral cancer.

Here are just a few reasons why you’ll want to make it to the dentist twice a year for examinations.


Start the New Year with Confidence with Teeth Whitening in the Lehigh Valley

December 22, 2017

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — S. John salivonchik @ 3:49 pm

Before and after teeth whiteningWouldn’t you like to start the new year with a restored sense of confidence? Now you can with professional teeth whitening in the Lehigh Valley. If you are like one-third of adults, you probably feel insecure about the appearance of your smile. This is often due to dark tooth discoloration. While you may have tired over-the-counter whitening treatments in the past, you were probably left feeling disappointed with the results. To lift away stubborn stains that cannot be removed at home, your cosmetic dentist has the solution you need.

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