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Cosmetic Treatments That’ll Prepare Your Smile for Summer!

June 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — S. John salivonchik @ 12:55 am
Someone with  a summery smile

If you’re looking to stun people this summer, you might already be picking out your swimsuit, or planning your diet routine so that you can look your absolute best. However, there’s one thing you might not have considered: how a beautiful smile could tie it all together!

There are a variety of cosmetic dental treatments available to you that can make a huge difference in how your teeth appear to others, and that’ll give the confidence to make the best impression possible. Here are examples of a few treatments that can give you a beach-ready smile!

Teeth Whitening

Most people are at least a little bit anxious about the color of their teeth. Whether it’s through the natural process of aging or by indulging in a bit too much coffee, professional teeth whitening can give you the perfectly white smile that you’ve always wanted!

Professional take-home whitening kits can give you a smile up to eight shades whiter than it was before entirely from the comfort of your home, and within as little as a few weeks!

Direct Bonding

Sometimes, it’s the smallest details that make the biggest difference. If you have tiny chips in your teeth or small patches of discoloration, your dentist can use direct bonding to completely change the way that your teeth look to others.

Tooth-colored resin can be layered onto the teeth and hardened into place with a specialized light, covering up just about any minor imperfection that might bother you about your smile


If you’ve ever wanted a completely flawless smile, one that’s perfectly aligned and without any blemishes, veneers could be absolutely perfect for you!

Your dentist can place thin porcelain shells onto the teeth, covering them completely and allowing you to choose exactly what you want your new smile to look like.

No matter what problem it is you’re dealing with, there’s a cosmetic treatment out there that can completely change your life. If you’re interested in getting your smile ready by the height of summer, reach out to your local cosmetic dentist today!

About the Author

Dr. S. John Salivonchik’s favorite thing about his career is how it affords him the ability to truly help people smile their brightest. Getting to know not only his patient’s oral health problems, but who they are as people, makes the work that he’s able to do for them all the more rewarding. Dr. Salivonchik received his dental degree from the Temple Dental School and receives continuing education through the World Clinical Laser Institute for Soft Tissue Surgical and Periodontal Applications.

If you have any questions about how you can get your smile ready for summer, he can be reached at his website or by phone at (610) 502-1545.

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