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citi Health

October 8, 2010

In this economy -most people are cautious about spending money. To make matters worse dental insurance doesn’t help as much as we would like; but there is an option, it is called Citi Health. Citi Health is a credit card designed for people who need a period of time to pay a bill and the best part is its interest free. We’ve all been there when something unexpected comes up, and in dentistry it might be breaking a tooth or having a toothache. This will give you piece of mind knowing there is a solution. You can also use it if you want to improve your smile with cosmetic dentistry using crowns or veneers.

If you are interested in Citi Health you can apply in the office. All you need is two forms of id and it requires credit approval.

Oral B Toothbrushes

October 5, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — S. John salivonchik @ 6:19 pm

Oral B is offering a special promotion on the newest Oral B electric toothbrush The Smart Series 5000. We offer them for $100.00, which is a lower price compared to the stores in the area. There are also two rebates associated with the purchase. A $50.00 rebate is offered for buying the toothbrush, and another rebate of $15.00 is offered when you get your cleaning. Your total cost for this toothbrush is $35.00. The $50.00 rebate also applies to brushes bought in stores. This is a great limited time offer from Oral B.
Regardless of where it is bought.

Cone Beam CAT Scan

August 31, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — S. John salivonchik @ 5:02 pm

Cone Beam CAT Scan technology is now being used in dentistry. It provides 3D high resolution images. We use it in some cases for dental implants, so we can visualize the
amount of bone we have to work with. It is not necessary for most cases because they don’t justify the additional radiation (they have significant more radiation than traditional x-rays) and the additional expense. I only mention this because I am hearing some sales people suggest that CAT scans are the standard of care for all dental implants, and that it allows less experienced dentist to place more implants. It is great technology but there is no substitute for experience.

Cerec Bluecam

August 16, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — S. John salivonchik @ 3:03 pm

We have upgraded our Cerec machine which makes crowns,veneers and inlays in one visit while you wait. Even cases we have to send to the lab can be scanned with the Cerec and sent to the lab online. This means we can almost eliminate impressions, which is great for gaggers.

Curing Lights

July 9, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — S. John salivonchik @ 5:58 pm

Bonding, white fillings, porcelain veneers, onlays and crowns require attention to detail. Research shows that sensitivity and bond failure often results from incomplete polymerization of the material. Polymerization is initiated by a high intensity light which if not maintained or updated will underperform. This is a common problem. We monitor the intensity using an electronic device on a weekly basis. In addition we just invested in the highest rated light emitting diode curing light on the market. This is not something most people would ever think of, but it is important.

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