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Dental Implants

May 6, 2011

Dr. Salivonchik recently attended a course given by Dr. Dennis Tarnow from Columbia University. The seminar highlighted the very latest in dental implant therapy. He confirmed our existing protocol for immediate loading of dental implants ( coined by some as “teeth in an hour” or “ teeth in a day”). Dr. Tarnow also discussed cosmetic dentistry as it relates to dental implants. The course was sponsored by The University of Pennsylvania and Lehigh Valley Hospital in Allentown.

Cosmetic Dentistry

April 11, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — S. John salivonchik @ 6:57 pm

I have worked with Dr. Salivonchik for eight years now and it still amazes me how a new smile changes peoples confidence and their self image. We recently finished a case for a middle aged women where we did porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns and teeth whitening. It not only made her look ten years younger but it clearly improved her confidence (prior to the work she covered her mouth to smile). When you think about it one of the first things people notice about you is your teeth.

We consider each patients needs and interest when helping them to make a change and enhance their appearance. We will take the time to work with you, whatever your needs and concerns are. Dr. Salivonchik is well trained in cosmetic dentistry and continues to take courses to keep up with the latest technology. I know you will be very pleased with your results


January 31, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — S. John salivonchik @ 4:02 pm

We are one of the first dental offices in this area to use the Specta System. Spectra is a special camera which detects and color codes decay causing bacteria in a tooth. It is much more accurate than feeling for decay with a dental explorer. It finds decay long before it would become a big problem. Also, it insures that sealants aren’t being placed over a decayed tooth.

Avulsed Tooth

November 11, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — S. John salivonchik @ 4:01 pm

An avulsed or “knocked out “ tooth is one of the most devastating events that can happen to a tooth. These occur most commonly in athletic injuries, but a well made mouth guard can reduce the likelihood of this happening. If it does not happen there are some steps to follow which can help greatly. 1. Rinse the tooth off if it is dirty then reinsert it and call your dentist. 2. If this is not possible place the tooth in a liquid. The best choice would be a product such as Save A Tooth. If that is not available milk or contact lense solution will also work but don’t use water. 3. Get to your dentist ideally within 1 hr.

Teeth Grinding & Clenching

October 29, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — S. John salivonchik @ 2:21 pm

Grinding or Clenching is a common dental issue.  Some cases maybe more serious than others.  If somesone has wear on their teeth chances are they are grinding or clenching.  Most of these people grind or clench at night while sleeping, which may lead to sore muscles and jaw pain in the morning.  Others may grind or clench during the day, often as a result of stress.  More serious complications of grinding and clenching are root fractures or  breaking or weakening of the emamel or porcelain veneers.  Over a lifetime a person mormally loses less than 1mm of emamel; but someone who grinds can wear away 1mm of emamel in a year.  To prevent furthur damage to your teeth, we recommend a nightguard. A nightguard is a hard piece of acrylic  which goes over the teeth while grinding or clenching at night.  These need to be made by a dentist to not only fit the teeth,but to fit the bite, otherwise additonal complications can occur.

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