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Mouth-Healthy Foods that Benefit Your Teeth and Gums

March 23, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — S. John salivonchik @ 10:08 pm

Healthy foods recommended by dentist in the Lehigh ValleyYou’ve heard the saying “you are what you eat,” but did you know the foods you consume affect more than just your waistline? Your diet can also influence the health of your teeth and gums. While you know you’re supposed to limit sugary snacks and drinks, your dentist in the Lehigh Valley encourages you to choose foods that support a healthy mouth. Here are some of the best foods to include on your plate to nurture your oral health.


How Often Does a Crown Need to Be Replaced?

Filed under: Uncategorized — S. John salivonchik @ 1:53 am

Tooth-colored dental crown from dentist in the Lehigh ValleyA dental crown is the most widely performed restorative procedure in the United States. The custom-made cap covers the entire surface of a tooth above the gum line, allowing it to improve its health, function, and appearance. Your crown will be made of durable material. Unfortunately, it won’t last forever, but there are several things you can do to ensure your restoration lasts for decades. Your dentist in the Lehigh Valley has the tips you need to promote the lifespan of your crown.


Been on Hiatus from the Dentist? Here’s What You Can Expect

February 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — S. John salivonchik @ 3:38 pm
Man wearing a gray shirt and glasses biting his bottom lip with a worried look on his face

There are many reasons people don’t visit the dentist regularly. Work may be consuming your time; the cost may be an issue or dental visits may cause you so much anxiety that it’s difficult to get yourself to go. But regardless of your reasons for skipping dental visits, it’s great that you’ve decided to return! Not knowing what to expect can be pretty nerve-wracking, but try not to be too stressed. Here is what you can expect during your first dental checkup after a hiatus.


A Healthy Smile Can Help Keep Your Heart in Great Shape

February 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — S. John salivonchik @ 1:41 pm
Man smiling and making half of a heart shape with his hand while a gloved hand makes the other half of the heart

Valentine’s Day is the only reason that February is special. It’s also Heart Health Month. This means that taking a look at what can cause damage and how you can protect one of your most vital organs, your heart. Keep reading to find out how dental health and heart health are connected and how you can lower your risk of heart issues.


Need a New Year’s Resolution? Try a Healthier Smile!

January 21, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — S. John salivonchik @ 7:24 pm
list of new year’s resolutions in lehigh valley

The new year is now in full swing. Maybe you have a list of goals that you want to accomplish this year. Perhaps they’re in regards to travel, career, or even physical appearance. Before you sign off on your list, have you considered adding a healthier smile to it? Having pearly whites you can be proud of not only does wonders for your self-confidence and overall quality of life, but it also keeps you healthy in the long run. Your Lehigh Valley dentist has some tips to share that can help you better prioritize your smile this year.

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