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Cosmetic Treatments That’ll Prepare Your Smile for Summer!

June 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — S. John salivonchik @ 12:55 am
Someone with  a summery smile

If you’re looking to stun people this summer, you might already be picking out your swimsuit, or planning your diet routine so that you can look your absolute best. However, there’s one thing you might not have considered: how a beautiful smile could tie it all together!

There are a variety of cosmetic dental treatments available to you that can make a huge difference in how your teeth appear to others, and that’ll give the confidence to make the best impression possible. Here are examples of a few treatments that can give you a beach-ready smile!


Food For Thought: How Your Oral Health Can Affect Brain Functioning

June 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — S. John salivonchik @ 12:59 am
Illustration of a brain

If you asked people about what makes dentistry so important, they’ll likely say something about avoiding serious toothaches, or maybe about how having a beautiful smile can make you feel about yourself. These factors are certainly critical, and tend to be some of the main reasons people are driven to the dentist’s office.

What many people don’t know is that the state of your oral health can have a lot to do with your brain’s function, and the chances of you developing serious neurological disorders. Here’s what recent science has to say about the connection between teeth and brain health.
